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To some, eyebrows may seem trivial and not very important, but for many eyebrows can be a very stressful part of a daily make-up routine. Trying to match eyebrows so they are the same shape is an art in itself.

A recent survey by Professional Beauty; one of the UK’s leading beauty organisations, has unveiled that the number of people who have invested in an eyebrow treatment has grown by 33% in the UK over the last 12 months alone. It’s becoming increasingly evident that more and more of us understand just how important eyebrows are and how they define facial features. We’ve all heard of the term #eyebrowsonfleek.

Once upon a time, when the question ‘if you were stranded on a dessert island and could only take one beauty product with you, what would it be?’ was posed, the standard reply would more than likely be ‘mascara of course.’ Now, with the same question, the most popular answer seems to have changed to ‘my trusty eyebrow pencil’ or something of the eyebrow make-up nature.

It seems many would not even dream of leaving the house without having drawn on the perfect set of brows, which can sometimes take as long as 15 minutes – even if it is just a quick visit to the supermarket. When you really think about it, this potentially equates to as much 1hr 45mins each week spent on drawing on eyebrows, not to mention the fear of the weather forcing another application; rain or sunshine can present great fears for people who pencil or draw on their brows.

So why and how could a semi-permanent eyebrow treatment be the answer?

The treatment on average takes around 90 minutes and the results could last anywhere between 9 to 18 months. A retouch would be required 4-12 weeks after the initial treatment – this is included within all treatment prices at Karen Betts Professional, and colour boosts may be recommended to help retain the colour and definition of the brows.

Whether you’re after a natural looking brow with defined hair strokes, or more of a powder brow, a highly skilled permanent cosmetics artist like Karen Betts, or one of our Elite Artists, will work with you in your consultation to make sure you have the eyebrows which are best suited to you. They will pencil in your brows before they place the pigment in to the skin, and it’s a case of working together to get the best shape.

Once you’re happy with the shape that has been pencilled on, it’s time for you to lay back and let the procedure commence. We’re guessing the next question you have is; “does a semi-permanent eyebrow treatment hurt?” We appreciate everybody has different thresholds when it comes to pain, but we generally hear back from our clients that the procedure doesn’t really hurt, it’s more like the sensation of an electric toothbrush being placed on the skin. This is due to the vibrations of the hand piece.

When you next see yourself in the mirror you’ll have a brand new set of eyebrows, so you can visualise throwing away your eyebrow make-up kits or any pencils you had, and banish any fears of them rubbing away or washing off.
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There are many different reasons people come to us for an permanent eyebrow treatment. For some, it’s to feel more confident about their appearance, for others it may be more for convenience. One thing is for sure, the treatment can be one of the saving graces when it comes to eyebrow worries, and has provided the perfect solution for so many of our clients.
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