Welcome To The New Website

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It’s here! Our new website is now online. Please take a look around and discover the world of Karen Betts Permanent Make-up. What we do isn’t just about improving your looks, it’s about improving your life. After all, the benefits of our treatments are more than just skin deep, they make you feel great as well as look great – and we want to celebrate this whether you’re choosing us for cosmetic or medical reasons.

And talking of celebrations, we must tell you about the great photo shoot we had for the website. Bringing together not only Karen and her elite team, but also some rather special guests, it turned into a fantastic day.

As Karen said We wanted the shoot to be full of life and energy. Clients were coming who’d had very different treatments for very different reasons including everything from cosmetic brow treatments for extra definition to medical tattooing for victims of burns and scaring, so I wanted the day to be a celebration of the difference we’ve made to their lives. After all, our treatments aren’t just about looking good, they’re about feeling good too! ”

On the big day we had celebrities galore including Amy Childs, Lizzie Cundy, Claire Powell, Sue Moxley, Casey Bachelor, Kim Taylforth and Caroline Monk who’d had cosmetic treatments including brows, eyes and lips. There were also clients who weren’t well-known but every bit as important, who’d had medical treatments such as eyebrow and eyeliner tattooing after illness, injury or disfigurement.

With everyone enjoying a bit of VIP pampering, it didn’t take long before it was hard to tell who were the celebrities used to having their pictures taken and who’d never done it before.

Karl Larkin, Creative Director on the shoot said “As always it was a pleasure working with Karen and her team.  Thanks to lots of pre-shoot planning, we knew what shots we needed for the website and how best to achieve them. So on the day there was a relaxed atmosphere and everyone could enjoy themselves. We are delighted with the results and so is Karen and her clients – a lasting memory and great photographs for everyone involved”

All in all, it really was a day to remember and we’ve got the photos to prove it! We hope you enjoy them as you look around our new website as much as we enjoyed being in them.

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