Round-up of the Year

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2013 has been a whirlwind year for Karen Betts, from jet-setting to Hong Kong and Orlando delivering key note speeches to top industry leaders and beauty professionals to demonstrating medical tattooing live at exhibitions in Europe. All the while, Karen has continued to run her successful business, share her wealth of experience to technicians eager to learn her trade and find time for her true passion – delivering life-changing permanent makeup treatments to her clients.

January – Scar Adacemy UK
The year kicked off at the Scar Academy UK where Karen was a speaker and demonstrator. Scar Academy, developed and run by the Organisation for Burns, Scar after-care and Research (Oscare) in Belgium, is an advanced scar management course focused on burn scars, delivered in partnership with The Katie Piper Foundation. Karen spoke on the immense benefits advanced paramedical procedures can have on people’s lives.

February – Demos, presentations and warpaint makeup
In mid-February it was the Professional Beauty exhibition, held in London. As well as performing treatments on the Nouveau Contour stand, Karen and Co Director Nilam Patel launched new products from HD Brows. She also judged the Muse category of the Warpaint make-up competition where make-up artists had to create a look that appealed to the 2013 real woman.

March – Hospital seminars and ‘beautiful balls’
At the beginning of March, Karen and elite trainer Cathy Brown presented and demonstrated medical tattooing to over 50 surgeons for a seminar at St George’s Hospital, in Winchester. The aim was to educate fellow medical professionals on how medical tattooing can work in synergy with other forms of reconstructive work. Karen then jumped on a plane to Orlando for the Nouveau Contour conference with fellow elite artist Susan Farley and Cathy Brown. She then went on to present and demonstrate at the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals (SPCP) conference in Las Vegas with her Co Director Bridgette Softley.

Having set up medical tattoo clinics for The Katie Piper Foundation in 2012, Karen felt honoured to be invited to attend Katie Piper’s ‘My Beautiful Ball 2013’ in aid of the foundation in March. As part of the event, the foundation played video footage of people they have helped, including two from women Karen had recently worked with as part of the work she does for the foundation.

April – Nouveau Live
In April, Karen was delighted to see the launch of Nouveau Live in Newcastle. The road show then proved extremely popular at its following destinations throughout the summer and autumn in Cardiff, Leeds, Newcastle, Liverpool and Southampton.

June – Awards time
In June, along with her fellow NBG directors, Karen attended the annual BABTAC & CIBTAC awards in London. This key beauty award ceremony celebrated the very best in training and the beauty industry.

September – Introducing Skin Therapy
In September Karen launched Skin Therapy at Olympia Beauty, London, combining a diverse range of emerging scientific developments in skin rejuvenation with exceptional Nouveau Beauty Group training.

October – Amsterdam, exhibitions and yet more shows
October was a busy month for Karen, first attending the Permanent Makeup World Conference in Amsterdam where she demonstrated her superior skills on a young girl with Alopecia. She then attended, for the first time, the Clinical, Cosmetic and Reconstructive Expo, an event which brought the international surgical and non-surgical community together, before attending Pro Beauty North later in the month at Manchester Central.

November – The Gift of Confidence
At the beginning of November Karen joined other leading members within the aesthetic and dental industry for the inaugural MyFaceMyBody Awards. The evening showcased which brands, products and services consumers love. Karen was both a sponsor for the glamorous event, which saw people donning beautiful head pieces in line with the masquerade ball theme, as well as sitting on the judge’s panel.

Having then jetted off to Hong Kong to scope out the latest beauty trends for the up and coming year, Karen hosted her very own ‘Gift of Confidence’ evening.
A host of celebrities, journalists and business associates gathered to hear moving stories from Karen’s clients on how permanent makeup had dramatically changed their lives, at this star studded event hosted at the Vanilla club in London.
The evening was held to celebrate and thank Karen’s fabulous clients for choosing her for their treatments and openly sharing their journeys, while also giving people the chance to see the new Karen Betts Professional website and pamper themselves with a treatment from a selection of her brands.

December – Pinderfield Burns Unit
Finally, in December Karen gave a moving and insightful speech on the enormous benefits of medical tattooing at the Pinderfield Burns Unit in Wakefield.

Without a doubt 2013 has been a year to remember and Karen would like to personally thank all her staff, associates, clients, friends and family for all their continued support and wish them a very Happy New Year.

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