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Love it or hate it, many of us spend nearly an hour every day on our hair, skincare and makeup and, because of our increasingly busy lives, there’s now less and less time to spend on preening ourselves to perfection. If you’re spending a little longer on your everyday beauty regime than you’d like to, perhaps it’s time to re-evaluate your routine and save some precious time. Just think of all the things you could do; prepare your breakfast and lunch for the busy day ahead, go for a brisk walk, watch an episode of your favourite programme, have an extra half an hour in bed…?

We’ve put these top tips to the test and can safely say carrying each of these out will cut your morning beauty routine time in half.

Prepare the night before

You know what they say, fail to prepare, prepare to fail. So, give yourself a head start in the morning and get everything you need out the night before. Lay your clothes out, select which makeup you will wear and this should help you whizz through your routine when you’re bleary eyed first thing. If you can get into the habit of spending 15 minutes every evening preparing all you need for the next day, you will be amazed at the stress-free results and lack of rushing around the following morning.

Wakeup with makeup

If low maintenance is your thing, a permanent makeup treatment could be just what you need to make your life that little bit easier. Have permanently perfect brows, eyeliner or lipstick and wake up with make up every day. Whether you love a bold dramatic look to your makeup or prefer a low key natural effect, there’s a permanent cosmetic treatment for you. The latest microblading techniques developed by Karen Betts herself, create the most realistic brow results yet, using the finest hair strokes. It’s a treatment so natural, no one will know you’ve had it done and you’ll be up and out the door in no time. No more time wasted pencilling your eyebrows on every day, trying to perfect a winged eyeliner look or choosing a lipstick and the best bit? Your look won’t wear off throughout the day.

Stick with essentials only

When you’re getting ready think about what you really need in your routine. Cut the number of products down to a core selection of ‘can’t live without’ items and this will save you some time. Keep those indulgent skincare routines for the evening and complex makeup looks for big nights out. Not only will you save time but you will feel extra special when you have the time to intricately blend those 5 eyeshadows to perfection. We love mineral foundation and blush, finished with a coat of long-lasting mascara an tinted lip balm.

Preventative Methods

One of the best ways to get that ‘glow from within’ is to look after your skin in the first place which will, in turn, slash the amount of makeup and products you feel you need to apply to your face each day. Having a top-notch evening skincare routine will prep your skin for the following morning and drinking the recommended 8 glasses of water a day will make your skin feel as fresh as it can be. With less imperfections to cover up, you may be able to use a simple tinted moisturiser or BB cream and feel confident in your own radiant skin.

What steps really make a difference in your routine? Do you like to plan your outfit and makeup the night before or do you like use less products to get yourself out the door in record time? We’d love to know, so comment below or head to our Facebook Page to see what others are saying.

Read Laura’s story on how she gained an extra 15 minutes to spare every morning
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